Sleep and Breathing for Adults

Sleep and Breathing

Studies have shown a high correlation between a good night’s sleep and a person’s overall health. Health conditions that affect an individual’s ability to sleep and breathe effectively often stem from issues in and around the mouth. Because of this, Signature Dentistry Centennial is dedicated to correcting sleeping and breathing conditions by determining the root cause. Our team carefully evaluates a patient’s mouth and airway to diagnose particular disorders, and once we have determined the cause of the problem, we utilize advanced medical technology to treat the condition at its source.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring and sleep apnea are common breathing disorders that interfere with an individual’s sleep quality. While occasional snoring is usually no cause for alarm, frequent bouts of snoring can indicate trouble related to oral and/or airway structures.

Sleep apnea for example is a potentially serious breathing disorder. The disorder is characterized by repeated interruptions in regular breathing patterns. With sleep apnea, you’ll typically stop breathing for several seconds to a full minute during sleep, and these interruptions usually repeat throughout the night.

Interruptions in breathing limit your body’s supply of oxygen which can negatively impact regular body functions. Oxygen deprivation brought on by sleep apnea can lead to an array of health issues, many of which should be considered a warning sign for other problems.



What are the warning signs of Sleep Apnea?

  • Daytime Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Snoring
  • Weight Gain/Obesity
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Mental Fog/Difficulty Concentrating
  • Mood Swings

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

To determine the causes of sleep apnea, we must first understand there is more than one type of sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Central Sleep Apnea are two key disorders under the sleep apnea umbrella.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common type, and it occurs when some sort of physical blockage occurs in the airway. This blockage can include the tongue or the tissues of the upper palate. If there is not enough room in your mouth, your tongue and/or oral tissues may fall toward the opening of the airway. This is often the cause of snoring or choking sounds that might occur when you’re asleep.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) occurs when there is some sort of interruption between the brain and the respiratory system. In these situations, your lungs and the chest muscles that are responsible for breathing fail to receive instructions from the brain to inhale and exhale.

Holistic Sleep Apnea Treatments

While CPAP machines are a typical option for individuals with sleep apnea, this device will not provide you with long-term relief as it doesn’t correct the problem. Instead, you’ll need to use the device indefinitely in order to enable steady breathing.

The Vivos System, however, is designed to provide long term treatment for sleep apnea by addressing and correcting the problem, not just treating it. With this system, individuals with mild to moderate sleep apnea can often reduce or even eliminate the severity of the disorder in under two years of treatment.

How Does The Vivos System Work?

The Vivos System makes use of custom-designed oral devices that are used to restructure the upper arch of your mouth, nasal passages, and lower jaw. These corrections create more room for your tongue and oral/airway tissues and straighten your bite pattern so that your airway is perfectly aligned. By correcting oral and airway development issues, the Vivos System facilitates optimal airflow.

By wearing Vivos devices before bed each night, and gently expanding them throughout the course of treatment (usually 12-24 months), the deformities present in your mouth and airway can be corrected permanently without surgical intervention.

What Are The Steps In Vivos Appliance Therapy?

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

At your initial sleep consultation, our team will listen to any concerns you have or symptoms you are experiencing, and complete a thorough examination to determine if you might have a breathing issue and whether you might be a good candidate for The Vivos System. If you have signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, we may recommend you complete either an at home sleep screening or we may refer you to a specialist for a complete sleep study.

Step 1

At your initial sleep consultation, our team will listen to any concerns you have or symptoms you are experiencing, and complete a thorough examination to determine if you might have a breathing issue and whether you might be a good candidate for The Vivos System. If you have signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, we may recommend you complete either an at home sleep screening or we may refer you to a specialist for a complete sleep study.

At the diagnosis appointment, we take records that include photos, a 3D digital scan, and impressions of your teeth. Dr. Bennett and Dr. Khanjari have assembled a multidisciplinary healthcare team that will then review your data, records, and test results to establish your diagnosis. Our team consists of Dr. Bennett and Dr. Khanjari, a board certified Sleep M.D., and a Vivos Technician. These professionals will create your Airway Intelligence Report, which includes your diagnosis and treatment plan. You are unique and your treatment plan and custom Vivos Appliance that is designed from it will be tailored to address your particular condition.

Step 2

At the diagnosis appointment, we take records that include photos, a 3D digital scan, and impressions of your teeth. Dr. Bennett and Dr. Khanjari have assembled a multidisciplinary healthcare team that will then review your data, records, and test results to establish your diagnosis. Our team consists of Dr. Bennett and Dr. Khanjari, a board certified Sleep M.D., and a Vivos Technician. These professionals will create your Airway Intelligence Report, which includes your diagnosis and treatment plan. You are unique and your treatment plan and custom Vivos Appliance that is designed from it will be tailored to address your particular condition.

At this appointment, you return to our office for delivery of your Vivos Appliance. Our doctors will tailor the fit of your appliance and give you special instructions regarding its use and wear based upon your treatment goals. In most cases, you will be instructed to wear your Vivos appliance at night.


Step 3

At this appointment, you return to our office for delivery of your Vivos Appliance. Our doctors will tailor the fit of your appliance and give you special instructions regarding its use and wear based upon your treatment goals. In most cases, you will be instructed to wear your Vivos appliance at night.


You will return to our office every 4 – 6 weeks for a brief visit with us. At these appointments, our doctors will tailor your Vivos appliance to fit the new expanded shape of your upper arch and airway. They will also track and document this expansion and provide additional instructions for your appliance wear based upon your progress. Vivos treatment typically takes between 12 and 24 months.

Step 4

You will return to our office every 4 – 6 weeks for a brief visit with us. At these appointments, our doctors will tailor your Vivos appliance to fit the new expanded shape of your upper arch and airway. They will also track and document this expansion and provide additional instructions for your appliance wear based upon your progress. Vivos treatment typically takes between 12 and 24 months.

Why choose Signature Dentistry Centennial for Vivos Treatment?

Our dentists were among the first 150 professionals in the world to complete Vivos training, and as such, we have ensured our familiarity and expertise with Vivos since the beginning. You can rest assured knowing that our dentists are among the top Vivos practitioners in the industry, and in addition to our qualifications, we will take every possible step to provide you with a comfortable, dedicated treatment experience.

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